What’s New?

Think Ahead With Your Buy‑Sell Agreements

[background music] Katlyn Graham:  Hello. I’m Katlyn Graham. I’m here with Jeff Doherty, an attorney at MacLean, Holloway, Doherty, Ardiff, and Morse. Jeff specializes in corporate law. Welcome, Jeff. Jeff Doherty:  Thanks for having me. Katlyn:  Thanks for joining us today. We’re discussing buy‑sell agreements. Jeff, what is a buy‑sell agreement? Jeff:  A buy‑sell agreement is an agreement between or among business owners, as to the disposition of a business interest at particular points in time. For example, in our


Tax Update – Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Proposals

Special Report Obama Emphasizes Individuals, Targets Business Tax Incentives In FY 2015 Budget President Obama renewed his call for expanding child, family and education tax credits in his fiscal year (FY) 2015 budget proposals as well as for curbing some tax preferences for higher income individuals and businesses. The President unveiled his $3.9 trillion FY 2015 budget proposals on March 4. Many of the proposals are familiar from past budgets, but for FY 2015 the White House is placing special


2014 First-Quarter Important Federal Tax Developments

During the first quarter of 2014, there were many important federal tax developments. This letter highlights some of the more significant developments for you. As always, contact our office if you have any questions. Tax reform  In February, House Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp, R-Mich., unveiled a massive tax reform bill. Camp proposed to overhaul the Tax Code by reducing the number of individual tax brackets, lowering the corporate tax rate, and eliminating or modifying many popular tax incentives.


Buying and Selling a Business

John Maher:  Hi, I’m John Maher. Today I’m here with Dan Doherty, an attorney and shareholder of MacLean, Holloway, Doherty, Ardiff and Morse, one of the most prominent law firms on the north shore of Boston, Massachusetts. Today we’re talking about buying and selling a business. Welcome, Dan. Dan Doherty:  Hi, John. How are you? John:  Good, thanks. So Dan, I’m thinking about buying a business. What issues should I be looking for? Dan:  The biggest issue that you need


Estate Planning

John Maher:  Hi, I’m John Maher. Today, I’m here with Dan Doherty, an attorney and shareholder of MacLean Holloway Doherty Ardiff & Morse, one of the most prominent law firms on the North Shore of Boston, Massachusetts. Today, we’re talking about estate planning. Welcome, Dan. Dan Doherty:  Hi, John. How are you? John:  Good, thanks. Dan, what is estate planning? Dan:  John, estate planning can mean different things for different people. In our firm, a good summary of estate planning